Offered Fall and Spring.
Credit: 3 Hours.
From SciComp:
This introductory course on numerical methods prepares undergraduate CS majors for applications of numerical methods they will encounter as part of the undergraduate and early graduate Computer Science curriculum.
From the course catalog:
Fundamentals of numerical methods for students in science and engineering; floating-point computation, systems of linear equations, approximation of functions and integrals, the single nonlinear equation, and the numerical solution of ordinary differential equations; various applications in science and engineering; programming exercises and use of high quality mathematical library routines. Same as MATH357. Credit is not given towards graduation for CS357 if credit for CS450 has been earned. (Counts for advanced hours in LAS). Prerequisite: One of CS101, CS105, CS124, CS125 or ECE220; MATH241; one of MATH225, MATH257, MATH415, MATH416, ASRM 406 or BIOE 210.
Offered Fall and Spring.
Credit: 3 or 4 Hours.
From SciComp:
This fast-moving course builds up numerical analysis from the very basics up to advanced topics, including a glimpse of PDE solving technology. It is commonly taken by beginning graduate students in scientific computing as well as the engineering disciplines.
From the course catalog:
Linear system solvers, optimization techniques, interpolation and approximation of functions, solving systems of nonlinear equations, eigenvalue problems, least squares, and quadrature; numerical handling of ordinary and partial differential equations. Same as CSE401, ECE491, and MATH450. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 or 4 graduate hours. Credit is not given toward graduation for both CS450 and CS457. Prerequisite: One of CS101, CS124 or CS125; one of CS357, MATH257, MATH357, MATH415, or MATH416; MATH285.
Offered Fall, odd years.
Credit: 4 Hours.
From the course catalog:
Numerical algorithms for parallel computers: parallel algorithms in numerical linear algebra (dense and sparse solvers for linear systems and the algebraic eigenvalue problem), numerical handling of ordinary and partial differential equations, and numerical optimization techniques. Same as CSE512. 4 graduate hours. No professional credit. Prerequisite: One of CS450, CSE401, ECE491, MATH450, CS457, CS555, CSE510 or MATH552.
Offered Spring.
Credit: 4 Hours.
From the course catalog:
Numerical techniques for initial and boundary value problems in partial differential equations. Finite difference and finite element discretization techniques, direct and iterative solution methods for discrete problems, and programming techniques and usage of software packages. Same as CSE510 and MATH552. 4 graduate hours. No professional credit. Prerequisite: CS450, CSE401, ECE491, MATH450 or CS457.
Offered Fall, even years.
Credit: 4 Hours.
From the course catalog:
Comprehensive treatment of algebraic and multigrid iterative methods to solve systems of equations, primarily linear equations arising from discretization of partial differential equations. Same as CSE511.
Offered Irregularly.
Credit: 4 Hours.
From SciComp:
Select topics in numerical analysis. For example, Functional Analysis for Numerical Computations.
From the course catalog:
Advanced topics in numerical analysis selected from areas of current research. Same as CSE513. May be repeated. Prerequisite: As specified for each topic offering, see Schedule or departmental course description.
Offered Irregularly.
Credit: 2 to 4 Hours.
From SciComp:
Special topics in Numerical Analysis. For example, spectral element methods, computational topology, and integral equations.
From the course catalog:
Subject offerings of new and developing areas of knowledge in computer science intended to augment the existing curriculum. See Class Schedule or departmental course information for topics and prerequisites. May be repeated in the same or separate terms if topics vary.